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Dream Home News, Issue #007 -- The Attitude Issue
January 01, 2009

Hello, and welcome to the seventh issue of Dream Home Decorating News - THE ATTITUDE ISSUE (January 1, 2009).


  1. Publisher’s Note
  2. Tip of the Month: Cop an Attitude!
  3. Legal Stuff

Publisher's Note

Hello again, and a Happy New Year to you! This will be one of the shortest eZines you'll ever receive from me, unless you write back and request that all my future newsletters be this short! Today's 'lite' version comes courtesy of a four-day central heating breakdown in our century-old house, followed logically and naturally by a flu bug and a fever. It wiped a full week off my schedule, and there was no way I could have made up for the lost time. So here's the result!

Tip of the Month:
Cop an Attitude!

"We know that we're going to have to approach the White House our way and have some fun with it … because that kind of attitude is what made us successful."

No, it wasn't Barack Obama who said that. This is Jon Favreau, his main speechwriter, a sensationally bright kid of only 27 (and he's talking about the speechwriting team).

Funny, the number of times I've come across "attitude" lately. Most recently, it was my business mentor who said that having my business thrive will largely come down to attitude.

She wasn't talking about cockiness or, for that matter, about achingly uber-cool, trend-setting style. She was talking about exactly the same spirit of playful exploration and lightness that I believe Favreau was talking about.

So what could Obama's speeches and your home have in common?

Firstly, that the 'product' is created in a light-hearted, experimental, spirited, personal, purposeful, individual process.

Secondly, that the end result is inspiring, new, fresh, clear, exciting and uplifting. Wow!

So how do you go about 'attitude decorating'? Here are a few suggestions.

1. Approach any corner of your home that you're (re)decorating from a this-would-be-fun perspective. Look for the ideas with the biggest enjoyment factor. Nothing is impossible; there is always some way to create a mood, a shape, or a look that really pleases you.

2. Explore some very unserious, off-the-wall, downright whacky options. You needn't end up using these ideas in your final design, but they will keep the process light, and that spirit will find its way into the end result in surprising ways. (For example, hang pictures sideways, or head down. Put your rug over the sofa. Or consider an outrageously oversized sofa cushion. Think about dividing a room by hanging parcel string from the ceiling. You get the idea.)

3. If you're stuck, go away and look at something vaguely related, like paintings, landscape photography, funky greeting cards, floral arrangements. Somewhere in there, you'll get new sparks for your decorating process.

4. If you're still stuck, pretend for a moment that you're decorating the place for someone else, someone you like or admire. What kind of environment could you see this person in? Sometimes it's easier to have ideas for someone else. You can always like those ideas so much that you end up using them for yourself.

5. Listen to happy music.

6. Read a book that takes you to a strange, wonderful place.

7. Take enough time to experiment. Don't settle for anything that doesn't feel great. Only very few people get it right on the first go. Most don't. It is definitely worth the wait.

There, this list should get you started. Actually, some of the ideas are pretty cool, if I do say so myself. Attitude Decorating™ - what do you think? ;-)

And the next Dream Home News will land in your inbox on March 1, 2009. Until then, go well and be healthy! Have a most amazing, juicy, strange, giggly, adventurous New Year! Do it your way, and have fun with it!

Legal Stuff

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"See" you again on March 1, 2009!
All the Best to You,

Renate Hering-Shepherd
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