Do you have any exterior paint color ideas that would make my brick house front door 'pop'? (Reader question).
I have an orangish color brick house, with a recessed front door which appears quite dark.
What color would really "pop" from the street?
I am thinking chartreuse... but am open.. any exact color would be helpful!
Kathy (USA)
Hi Kathy,
Chartreuse would be an excellent choice for an eye-popping entrance!
Other than chartreuse, the following colors are either opposite (on the 4-primary color wheel) or complementary (on the 3-primary color wheel) to orange.
Any of them could work, as long as they're bright and saturated enough:
1. Greens:
2. Blues:
Here are a few examples of what your front door might look like:
Exterior paint color ideas for a recessed brick house entrance
I'd rather not give you any paint names/numbers because
a) I don't know what exterior paint colors are available in your neck of the woods, and
b) it really is a matter of experimenting to find
which color would make the most suitable partner for your exterior brick walls.
Wishing you the best of luck with your project -
Kathy wrote back & said she had decided to go with "Tiffany Blue".
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