Log Home Master Bedroom Makeover
by Roxanne
(High Point, NC, USA)
Master Bedroom Before
Master Bedroom After
Master Bedroom After
Master Bedroom After
We recently bought our new home. It happens to be a log home that I was a little scared of at first. I usually decorate with a vintage, 'kitschy' retro flair.
This room being on the second floor does not have log walls.
The room is quite large and has vast ceilings - I had to
get rid of the white walls and make it more cozy.
The room started with 2 layers of Southwestern border. Once removed I moved on to the cedar crown trim...
Now, we've had a few
yellowjackets in our bedroom, they haven't bothered me enough to worry, they typically die off in the winter. Well, me 10 ft up the ladder trying to pry off a stubborn piece of molding and
found the hive! After fumigating, all were dead with hundreds of them to show.
I primed with a dark gray and the painting went great. This is two coats of Behr eggshell.
I am still on the hunt for perfect window treatments, any suggestions would be great. Otherwise, I love how the mbr came out. It has such a dreamy feel now.
Renate's comment: Gorgeous makeover, Roxanne! I love the new, blue-"orange" complementary color scheme. How brave of you to go for such a deep color. You've really created magic!
I also like how you've anchored that sofa with a little coffee table. Beautiful room - thank you for sharing your log home makeover with us!