Paper Christmas ornaments: Try these 6 free printable Christmas decorations for quick & simple Christmas paper craft. Make your own Christmas decorations from stuff you have at home!
Download the printable Christmas ornaments (links @ bottom of page) & choose a color scheme.
Then turn the patterns into delicate paper Christmas decorations & use them as ...
These are super easy Christmas ornaments to make, and there's beauty in numbers: I always hang loads of them on long translucent ribbons (at different heights) from a white paper lampshade above the staircase at Christmastime. Small investment - grand impression!
To create the shapes:
To pinprick the patterns:
Plus ...
To download the six paper Christmas crafts, go to the bottom of this page.
Each design comes on a separate sheet and will give you 3 double sided or 6 single sided paper Christmas decorations.
The construction process is the same for all. Here's how to use the free Christmas ornament patterns:
If you want a white pinprick design on both sides of the cardboard shape, you only need to paint the margins on both sides. (Otherwise, give your paper Christmas decorations a beautifully finished 'back' side.)
Remember to paint the edge, too!
What paint?
I've used a transparent, shellac-based ink from Sennelier; it gives a mottled look and dries with a silky sheen.
However, you can use almost any kind of paint that produces a nice flat finish (or an interesting textured one).
Oh, and this is the moment to plan your color scheme! Choose the hanging ribbons first, then find matching paint color for your paper Christmas ornaments. It's much easier than the other way round (there's more paints available than ribbons).
Good (& fairly traditional) colors that make these printable Christmas decorations great 'jewelry' for Christmas evergreens:
Against a background in lighter color or neutrals, cream & black looks very elegant, particularly when you hang these simple homemade Christmas ornaments with narrow black ribbon.
To hang,
... you will need Adobe Reader
(the latest version is recommended) installed on your computer. You can
get Adobe Reader here (a new window will
open so you can download it without leaving this page).
To open, just click on the link of your choice. In case you want to download a file to view later, right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save File As". Then select where you want to save the file on your hard drive.
Once you have saved the file, locate where you saved it, and double click to open.
To print the pattern for your paper Christmas ornaments, open the downloaded file, and select the "Print" option from the menu.
The inspired folks over at information-packed recently gave these printable Christmas ornaments a try. They created two sets, one of them color paper ornaments in cool colors, photographed on a white Christmas tree. Have a look!
More ideas for DIY Christmas ornaments & decorations below:
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