The End Of Grey, Part 1
by Sharon
(Arizona, USA)
Where it started
Nothing like two months of being stuck in the house after ankle surgery to push the best ideas to the forefront and get you moving. After ten weeks at home--staring at the walls--I knew, with glaring clarity, what I loved in my condo, what I wanted to keep and what had to go.

I'd collected redecorating ideas for years. My file was thick and full. My weeks stuck at home pushed me over the edge.
I rarely do things by half measure. So ...
I packed the SAVE items and sold the REST. Yes, all of it.
All furniture gathered over 30 years - gone. Some art - sold. A lot of clothes and other items were sold or donated.
The house was empty other than the boxes of STUFF.

I lived in Asia for a few years so have a great collection of Japanese, Chinese and Thai art. I am a photographer who was formerly a potter. So, I have art of my own creation and that of artist friends. However, every room had an Asian look.

I was ready for something more modern, functional and a bit more Zen ... The aim:
less cluttered and more peaceful.
So, what color paint for the walls? I rented for most of my life and lived with all white for decades. I like white. My condo is painted in shades of grey.

I like grey ... but now was the time for COLOR!!!!

I was paralyzed for weeks.
I tested about 20 different color patches on my walls. The paint store clerks knew me by name. "Oh, what color is it today?"

Well ... I went thru celadon green, various shades of apricot and numerous reds. I love red. Just 48 hours before my painter was to arrive, I went to the internet. I plugged in my original idea: "eggplant walls".
What came up solved the problem. It showed a few rooms in a condo similar to mine - with
eggplant, white and navy walls.
Bold ... dark ... sophisticated ... and FINAL.
I went to the paint store the next day and got samples of a deep Navy and Blackberry wine in Behr paint. I was set. I called a friend , Vanessa Davisson, who paints murals, and gave her my 30 tiny paint samples! They did not go to waste.
The next day I called my painter/contractor, Tim Toetcher, and he ordered the paint.

To be continued ...
Just in:
Part 2 of The End Of GreyRenate's comment:Wow, Sharon, that sure is a radical departure - I can't wait to see the new look! And I love your 'artsy' sample patches, shame they'll be painted over!